Monday, July 25, 2016

Destiny: The Game That Stole My Life

I have spent many hours in a ton of different games. For example, I have 386 hours in The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. If I convert that many hours to days it comes out to a bit over 16 days. Now I know that isn't a huge number of hours compared to some people, but I rarely spend much time on a single game, so kind of a big deal for me. TES: Skyrim was released on November 11th, 2011. I can't believe that it has been out for almost 5 years! So over the span of 5 years, I have put 386 hours into that one game, keep that number in mind. As I mentioned in my last post, this past September I bought myself a PS4 with Destiny. That game has been one of my favorites of all time, and my play hours show it. I've had my PS4 for a bit over 10 months and I've played Destiny ever since I got the console. So in just 10 months I've put 307 hours in the game. That's about 14 days! Almost as many hours in Destiny as I have in Skyrim in 1/5th the amount of time. Now, why the hell have I put so much time into this game?  That is not an easy question to answer, mostly because there are so many reasons I keep going back to it. Destiny started off as just a game to play with my friend Julian while we were across state from each other. We played through all of The Taken King expansion story line together, played Strikes together, did as much as we could single player wise without doing the raid. We stayed away from the raid for one main reason, we didn't know anyone else that played. Eventually we had to suck in up though and make a Looking For Group post. We got a group together and went through our first ever raid in Destiny. It was so much fun! Even failing at the different puzzles was fun just because of all the spectacular ways we would screw up. Ever since that first raid, I've been going back to the game almost everyday. Destiny does a fantastic job of rewarding you for beating bosses in the raid. After every major boss, you get some new gear that you can only get in the raid. Great thing about the raid gear is that recently the creators of Destiny, Bungie, reworked the loot system so that all loot you get from the raid bosses can only be as good as, or better, than the gear you already have. So you are guaranteed to get at least one thing better than what you had. Destiny raids are just shooting the bosses until the die, which is a nice change. There are jumping puzzles, switch activation puzzles, and different things you have to do during the fights to actually be able to do damage to the bosses. That's just a brief over view of how the raiding aspect of Destiny kept me coming back to it.

See you next time,

If any readers have any interest in seeing what a Destiny raid is like, leave a comment! I stream Destiny raids on Twitch sometimes and would be more than happy to see some readers in the stream chat.

1 comment:

  1. Next guest post: what it's like to have a SO who's obsessed with Destiny.
