Wednesday, July 27, 2016

K/D is useless, and other musings of the forever challenged

Hey all! Time for our first guest author. He is a great friend of mine, a fantastic writer, and plays as many games as I do. I'll leave it at that. Just look below and marvel at his post.

Have fun,

I’ll be honest. Of all the esteemed humans who’d ever post on this blog, I am most assuredly the last person anyone should ever ask for video game advice. I proudly underperform on any game I play. Now, this doesn’t stem from apathy, I have just never had the best response times. When Ian, Julian, and I play the Battlefields  (pronounced buhr-tur-furds) I tend to get cut down before I even know what happened. Similarly, when we play Destiny I usually whip out that sweet sweet Telesto. Besides being the best gun in the game, I use it specifically because when you unload five purple orbs in a wide spread the chance you might hit something goes way up.
I’ve finally gotten around to Minecraft and may have found a game where I am evenly matched with everyone else. But, with all others, I am predestined to a life of being overshadowed. So, are you feeling my pain? Are you curious why I even pick up a controller at all? Both are fair and understandable. Let me tell you.
In my mind the Playstation 4 is a huge, very expensive, VoIP phone that also displays pretty pictures. When you’re friends are spread all over like mine (we’re usually at least a thousand miles or more away from each other) one has to find a way to keep up with everyone. I am not much for texting – just ask either of the other contributors to this blog and they’ll tell you the chance of receiving a return text from me is slim at best. So, to adopt the language of the youths, the PS4 is my late night phone call to my besties shrouded in a veil of masculinity and purpose.
All of you who have K/D’s well below 1.0 and have unlocked three out of fifty achievements – I’m here for you. Keep on plugging away friends. Also, if you need to be carried through the Destiny raid, leave a comment on this blog. I know some guys that can hook you up.

Forever mashing,


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